5 japanese eggplants, brunoise
1 white onion, brunoise
2 red bell peppers, micro brunoise
4 garlic cloves, micro brunoise
4 anchovies, crushed (or 1T anchovy paste)
½ c pine nuts, chopped
½ c capers, drained and chopped
½ c currants. chopped
¼ c tomato passata
½ c honey
½ c red wine vinegar
½ c balsamic vinegar
1T cocoa powder
1T dried calabrian chile
4 sprigs thyme, chopped
2 sprigs parsley, chopped
2 sprigs basil, chopped
s & p
In a cast iron/black steel pan get grapeseed to smoking point. Add eggplant and season with salt. Cook until lightly charred. Do not overcrowd pan as the eggplant will steam and become mushy. Remove from pan and cool.
In a separate pan, add a thin layer of olive oil. When hot, add onions, garlic, and anchovy and cook for 30 seconds. Add all other ingredients except for herbs and cook until glazed. You may need to remove the ingredients to further reduce the glaze. Remove and cool. When cool, mix the eggplant, bell pepper mix, and glaze. Add chopped herbs. Store
友人のシチリア人直伝ですので本物です^ ^

2022/04/16 10:31